
点击数:1525 更新时间:2016-06-01 13:08:41 来源: 厦门生活、逛路岛_逛鹭岛-返回

6月8日 惘闻《岁月鸿沟》新专辑中国巡演XREALLIVE

时间 Time:6月8日 June,8
场地 Venue:Real Live
门票 Tickets:预售Presale80 现场At door100


Space Circle 荣誉呈现
Space Circle Presents

Wang WenNew Album China Tour

【新专辑试听 New Album】http://music.163.com/#/albumid=34611473



过去的几年,感觉时间轴绷上了弹簧,加速度使人充满了莫名的兴奋和窒息感。才刚习惯的十年一代的讲法也已经过时,眼前的生活如速度失控的幻灯片般闪烁变幻。移动网络似乎把人与人拉得很近,其实是改变了我们的存在方式,让今天的“关系”成为一堆堆坚硬的数据模块, 不灭不净,无法交融,你甚至不能选择不参与其中,随之深深坠入时空堆积过载又不断撕裂的缝隙中。

越过岁月鸿沟就是Sweet Home, Go了?是的,不过是另一个岁月鸿沟,英语的。音乐总是或轻或重,但它从来不是精神糖果或者情绪解药,但我总是幻想着它那强大的气流能让时间暂停,把你我从冰冷的深渊喷到九霄云外,然后摔到粉身碎骨。

惘闻 2016年4月11日于大连

Sweet Home,Go! Wang Wen new album

Early January 2016, during the coldest time of the year, Wang Wen completed our 9th studio album in Dalian, China. What was different about this album is that it was the first time we got Wouter and Lode to produce a record for us. For this album we recorded 6 long songs and an a cappella track recorded in an abandoned factory.All these songs were created within the last 3 years, but went through the ringer of change during the recording process. During recording an album, a band wants their music to be full of expression and feeling and to have the freedom to explore new threads, contradictions and conflicts. Producers on the other hand are looking to make the sequence of music more clear. In the end, the two sides of the spectrum strike a balance and complement each other. To Wang Wen, this was another experience in our journey to further understand and explore ourselves and the outside world.

Over the last few years, it feels like time had been spinning out of control. As time speeds by it makes people feel an indescribable excitement but also a feeling of suffocation. Just as we become used to the ways of today, things change in a flash. The Internet has seemingly brought people closer together. Actually it's changed our existence by taking our "relationships" and turning them into rigid blocks of data, unable to blend into each other and therefore plunging us into the many deep cracks of space and time.

Is Sweet Home, Go about surpassing the gulf of time Yes, but a different kind of gulf. English. Music is always light and heavy, but it should never just be a quick fix of energy or a mood enhancer. I'm always imagining, what if the powerful flow of music could stop time and shoot us us out of this cold abyss into the heavenly skies above, then drop us to our deaths.

Wang Wen, Dalian. 4.11.2016 ?
本活动是由 逛鹭岛 小编 通过网络收集而来的厦门城市活动,厦门城市生活主题推荐。



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